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Animal Control
Brianna Jorgensen
Animal Control Officer 

James Jorgensen
Deputy Animal Control Officer

Dog Licensing

All dog licenses expire annually on December 31.  All dogs 6 months and older must be licensed. Bring neutering certificates and current rabies certificates at the time of registration.

Dog licenses are available each year for the following year, beginning October 15.

A $25.00 fine will be assessed as of February 1 for each unlicensed dog or kennel.
Neutured or Spayed $6.00
Non-Neutured or Spayed $11.00

Municipal vs. State Complaints  Who to Call

Animal Control Officer Duties

  • Dogs at large

  • Rabies Prevention - Enforcement of rabies vaccines and quarantine for bites/exposure to wild animals

  • Dog Licensing

  • Dangerous or Nuisance Dogs

  • Any local regulations - town ordinances, noise complaints

  • Animal Trespass (Livestock) - Livestock that are loose in the roadway or on another person's property

  • Animal confined in a building, enclosure, car, boat, vehicle or vessel or any kind in extreme heat or extreme cold that would be harmful to the animal

Animal Welfare Duties

  • Facility Licensing:  Breeding Kennels, Boarding Kennels, Pet Shops, Shelters

  • Investigation of complaints alleging cruelty to or abuse or neglect of animals:

    • Allegations of a person killing or attempting to kill an animal belonging to another without consent or legal privilege​

    • Abandoned animals or abandoned animals that die as a result of being abandoned

    • Allegations that an animal has been injured, overworked, tortured, tormented, cruelly beaten, intentionally mutilated, or drugs have been given to an animal with the intent to harm the animal

    • Allegations of lack of food/water, lack of shelter, filthy conditions, hoarding, lack of veterinary care

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Contact Us

1033 Industry Road

Industry, ME  04938

Phone:  207-778-5050

Fax:  207-778-5502


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Town Office Hours

Tuesday:  12:00 - 6:00 p.m.

Wednesday:  12:00 - 6:00 p.m.

Thursday:  12:00 - 6:00 p.m.

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